Jesus called us to witness in our city, state & country.
In Acts 1:8, Jesus told the apostles, “And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Surely we can deduce that the ends of the earth extend to the United States as well. It is important that we stress the urgency of missions in America. Our country has millions of lost souls. If we sit by and do nothing, God will hold us accountable for letting these people die without Christ when it would have been so simple to share the gospel with them.
As we see the statistics of suicides, drug use, and false religions, and watch interviews where men and women of all ages and ethnicities deny the existence of our sovereign God, the monumental task before us becomes all too apparent.
Assemblies of God U.S. Missions is comprised of seven departments and organizes its home missions ministry through these seven “Windows.”
Assemblies of God U.S. Ministries (AGUSM)
Chaplaincy Ministry
U.S. Missions chaplains minister in areas where few Christians can or sometimes even dare enter. Millions of people are searching for peace, acceptance, and love. Instead of turning to God, many people turn to materialism, alcohol, drugs, unhealthy relationships, and false religions. The reason? No one has given them a clear presentation of Christ’s message of love and hope. Those who serve in Chaplaincy Ministries are working hard to ensure that everyone experiences God’s compassion, hears the gospel, and has an opportunity to know Christ as Savior. But the ways they are accomplishing this can be surprising.
Chaplains minister in diverse areas such as in the midst of a fire or police emergency, the bedside of a dying hospice patient, or even through television to a lone cowboy. They minister among people who have little interest in attending church or do not have the conventional opportunity to attend church due to incarceration, employment, or physical restrictions. With 3 million imprisoned persons, 7,000 hospitals that average 970,000 patients per day, 15,000 people living on the “back side” of racetracks, 2 million truckers, more than 2 million military persons, 30 million rodeo fans, 2,700 homeless shelters and rescue missions serving 650,000 people each day, over 8 million bikers, and 28 million people receiving mental health treatment or counseling, there is ample
opportunity for service. These totals represent only a small fraction of the people groups for whom our chaplains provide ministry.
They need and demand for qualified Assemblies of God Chaplains is high. Whether it’s helping full-time pastors extend their ministry by becoming volunteer community chaplains, assisting people to fulfill their calling to become full-time chaplains, or anything in between, the Chaplaincy Department provides the ecclesiastical endorsement required for most areas of chaplaincy ministry.
Chi Alpha
Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, U.S.A. is a national student movement represented on over 275 secular college and university campuses around the country and involving more than 20,000 students. Local campus groups offer both Christian and non-Christian students a safe, God-focused environment that allows them to communicate with God at their level and embrace a relationship with him as they are ready.
Chi Alpha helps students understand that God wants all people to express their love to Him in other ways beyond simple conversation with Him. He has given everyone a variety of talents and revels in their use of those talents as expressions of thanks to Him. Through this active group participation, students naturally develop strong yet vulnerable relationships with each other, sharing struggles and praying with each other.
On campus, students are in an environment that naturally drives them to discuss any issue when they are together and that applies in Chi Alpha as well. Through Chi Alpha’s structure, which allows students to rise in leadership positions, student-to-student discipleship provides the greatest foundation for teaching students how to be a godly influence to others outside of their group setting.
Students extend that influence by being open to the leading of the Holy Spirit and actively pursue student mission opportunities, both in the United States and abroad. They volunteer by the hundreds each year, accepting opportunities that will allow them to build relationships and demonstrate God’s love through their actions.
Just as students leave the university campus and pursue diverse areas on interest, Chi Alpha students leave the group and pursue areas of ministry, whether it is in occupational ministry of their field of study. They continue to live the Chi Alpha life of helping others establish a relationship with Christ through their relationships with each other.
Intercultural Ministries
The Assemblies of God has established the Intercultural Ministries Department to provide ministry among those groups of people in the United States whose evangelization and discipleship involves specialized understanding and preparation. These groups are comprised of persons having cultural, ethnic, or language distinctiveness, and persons constituting specialized communications groups such as the Deaf and the blind.
Our country, our generation, is more diverse than ever and everyone needs a chance to hear the good news of Jesus. One new international migrant comes to the U.S. every 37 seconds. (U.S. Census POP clock.) This is the church’s greatest hour to evangelize the nations within our nation. The opportunity to reach every tribe, ethnic group, and culture, every person who is blind, deaf, disabled, or in need of compassion ministries is right in front of us. The world is literally across the street and in every community in America.
Missionary appointment is focused on facilitating ministry to the various ethnic and cultural groups of America. Missionary appointment may also be available to those whose ministry targets any group of people that requires a special focus.
Intercultural Ministries missionaries are trained and equipped to meet the needs of people and to share the good news of Jesus. Each missionary is called by God to live among a specific group. They teach, preach, resource, train, feed, pray, comfort, build, repair, counsel-using the gifts and talents God has given them, doing whatever it takes to reach our nation for Jesus.
Our desire is to see the carious cultural groups remain diverse and distinct while becoming a fully integrated, culturally diverse fellowship following the pattern of the Early Church in the book of Acts. Our missionaries cultivate leaders within these people groups to transform lives and conduct vibrant ministries in their communities all across America.
God has brought the world to us-through Intercultural ministries we can change the world, beginning at the house next door.
Missionary Church Planters and Developers
Missionary Church Planters and Developers department represents a diverse group of missionaries who have a great passion to fulfill the Great Commission in the United States. They do this by planting new churches, assisting existing churches and partnering with districts.
Missionary church planters pursue a calling that sends them to places and people that are often overlooked by the church at large. These planters are found primarily, but not exclusively, in major urban centers and among people groups that are significantly resistant to the gospel.
Missionary developers strengthen churches that already exist by bringing their specialized knowledge and abilities to churches and pastors across the country. They help believers see their communities in fresh ways and assist them in reaching outside the walls of the church. Some developers also work in strategic partnership with districts in a common vision to expand the Kingdom.
Missionary Church Planters and Developers send missionaries to plant and strengthen churches. Although a variety of gifts and callings are represented, our missionaries are unified with a passion to create and nurture churches that are filled with abundant life. Supportive prayer and financial partnerships make it possible for them to plant in difficult places and serve churches and pastors that need specialized encouragement.
For more information about Missionary Church Planters and Developers, visit our website at plantersanddevelopers.com.
Teen Challenge
The Teen Challenge ministry began over fifty years ago and has expanded across the country and around the world to help thousands of people find freedom from their drug and alcohol addictions. Daily, Teen Challenge staff are reaching out to drug addicts, alcoholics, runaways-from the elderly, to mothers with children, to hurting youth-who come from every socioeconomic background. Addiction does not discriminate. It does not care about age, race, sex, or religion. No part of society is immune to the devastation that accompanies addiction. Teen Challenge in the United States currently has 190 residential centers with the capacity for more than 7,000 students.
The Teen Challenge model is perhaps best explained by, “It’s not just drugs or alcohol; it moral training. The Gospel of Mark, chapter 7 says that it’s not what enters a man that makes him unclean. It’s what comes out that destroys him; it’s what’s in a person’s heart that is the problem. We don’t just talk about drugs and alcohol. We talk about character. Our approach is built on the foundation that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is essential for long-term success.”
The Teen Challenge program has been developed to encourage students to learn to cope with everyday life issues. Devotions, Bible reading, discipleship classes, work assignments, and chapel services are essential elements of the program. Secondary education is provided in all adolescent programs, and many adult programs offer GED classes for students.
Join Teen Challenge in the fight against substance abuse and dependence. Every Teen Challenge center has opportunities for volunteering time and building relationships that will change lives forever. Become involved in prayer support and supporting this vital work financially. The existence of Teen Challenge depends on the generosity of donors willing to link arms with this ministry. The joy of seeing lives restored and hope renewed is priceless.
For more information, visit teenchallengeusa.com.
U.S. missions America Placement Service (U.S.MAPS), an arm of Assemblies of God U.S. Missions, serves this Fellowship by providing opportunities for volunteers to get involved in ministry. For those who have a desire to serve, there are many ways to utilize their skills and talents. Local Assemblies of God churches, districts, AG colleges and schools, children’s homes, and other ministries such as Teen Challenge, all benefit from the services U.S. MAPS offers. The primary focus on U.S. MAPS is to come alongside these ministries to assist them with construction and evangelism needs. There are three main areas where one might be involved: Church Teams, Missionary Associates and RV Volunteers.
Church Teams: Church Teams range in size and scope of ministry and usually require only a few days’ commitment. Some teams participate in evangelism projects while others may want to be a part of a construction project. The doors of opportunity are limitless. U.S. MAPS can assist Church Teams by helping them get involved in missions work right here in America.
Missionary Associates: For those who can commit to a longer period of time (1-2 years), there is the opportunity to work alongside an appointed U.S. missionary as a Missionary Associate. Areas of service include administration, maintenance, handyman tasks, along with a variety of other skills.
RV Volunteers: RV Volunteers are a group of dedicated Christian men and women who come from a wide variety of professional and vocational backgrounds. Most are retired or near retirement and are willing to serve from a few weeks or months to full time. For those that enjoy traveling in an RV, meeting new friends, and having an opportunity to invest their time, talents and abilities into building the kingdom of God, being an RV Volunteer is ideal. Currently, RV Volunteers number more than 1,300. Through the efforts of these dedicated men and women, millions of dollars in construction costs have been saved.
Youth Alive
School is one of the most strategic missions’ fields. Nearly 8 in 10 decisions for Christ will be made by those under the age of 18. More than 98 percent of the United States population passes through its 67,000 junior high and high schools-the Church needs to go to them. Believers cannot wait for these students to come to the local church. School life is community life. When Christians serve the school, they impact the broader community through relationships. When teenagers leave school, they transition to multiple occasions, making it much more difficult to reach them. By developing a ministry to every school, the Church can literally give every student in a community the opportunity to hear the
gospel and follow Christ.
What is Youth Alive?
Youth Alive is evangelism. We will reach a generation of students in the United States by empowering a generation of students to share Jesus with their friends. Students reach students.
Youth Alive connects the church with schools and the schools with the church. If we want to connect our community to Jesus, we should start with the school. Build relationship, serve, and adopt a school. How can we show our schools Jesus?
Youth Alive mobilizes youth. The school is a student’s mission field. Every student can find ministry at his or her school. God strategically places Christians in desks next to non-Christian students. Youth Alive has a measurable presence on 15 percent of the 67,000 middle and high schools in the United States.
CCC Regional Directors
Marty & Margo Wazbinski

Contact the Directors
(Source: Assemblies of God U.S. Missions)