Gary and Janice Dickinson, a veteran missionary couple, have been ministering in Central Africa since 1990. They have planted seven churches personally, and pastored their last church plant in Pointe-Noire, Congo for 18 years. Janice founded and led a ministry to young ladies at risk of prostitution for more than ten years. The Dickinson’s also founded, built, and led the only AG Bible School in the Republic of Congo from which more than 100 pastors and leaders have graduated. In January 2014, they were asked to transfer to the Rep. of Gabon where they are building, and Gary will lead the only BA-level Bible School for the AG in the country, which opens in January 2015. They dedicated phase one (library and classroom buildings) in October of 2015. Janice is finishing here BA degree in Bible and Gary is preparing his thesis for his MA degree. The Dickinson’s have two adult daughters who live in the US.
missionaries to africa