Here at CCC, we operate our Missions Program under a Regional Team structure. The purpose of our missions structure is three-fold:
1. To facilitate optimal effectiveness as a local church engaged in global outreach
2. To build a strong sense of ownership of missions throughout the congregation
3. To create multiple entry points for missions involvement
Our structure is patterned after the basic structure of Assemblies of God Missions. We currently have 8 CCC Regional Directors each overseeing and directing CCC’s missions interests in their own respective regions of the world including: Africa, Asia Pacific, Northern Asia, Eurasia, Europe, Latin America, International and the U.S. / Local. Collectively, these Regional Directors, along with a few others, make up our Executive Missions Leadership Team (Some churches call this their Missions Council or Board).
Each of these CCC Regional Directors lead a team of CCC lay people who, together, manage our missions efforts in their particular region. We are a church of about 1000 and currently have about 120 lay people that serve on these 8 Regional Teams.
Sample Team Structures
International Sample Region
US and Local Sample Region
Africa Sample Region
Eurasia Sample Region
Latin America Sample Region
N Asia Sample Region
Asia Pacific Sample Region
Europe Sample Region
CCC’s Missions Executive Leadership Team is comprised of the Missions Pastor, his wife, our eight Regional Directors, a Domestic Trip Coordinator, a Foreign Trip Coordinator, and the Director of Team Development, and meets monthly.
Regional Directors
We currently have 8 CCC Regional Directors, each overseeing and directing CCC’s missions interests in their own respective regions of the world including: Africa, Asia Pacific, Northern Asia, Eurasia, Europe, Latin America, International and the U.S. / Local. Each oversee CCC’s ministry and funding for our supported missionaries and workers currently serving in their region. They are also responsible for building and directing a team of CCC volunteers who serve with them on their regional team.
Domestic and Foreign Trip Coordinators
Domestic and Foreign Trip Coordinators also serve on the Missions Executive Leadership Team and are responsible for accepting missionary invitations to schedule short-term missions trips, train and prepare the trip leader(s) and participants in advance of the trip, and coordinate re-entry following a trip.
Director of Team Development
The Director of Team Development also serves on the Missions Executive Leadership Team and is responsible for human resources for the Missions Department. They serve as a link between those in the congregation who may desire to get involved on one of our Missions Regional Teams and each of the Regional Directors. They are aware of open portfolios on each team, work to insure team member health and connectedness, and oversee team member training.

Pat & Kristine Rusch
Missions Pastors
In addition to serving on the Missions Executive Leadership Team, each CCC Regional Director oversees a small group leadership team dedicated to intercessory prayer, missionary care, communication, and the ongoing development of CCC’s missions strategy and touch to the region they serve. Teams are comprised of Missionary Reps, Area Reps and others. Each team’s ministry includes the following for their respective region:
• Hosting guest missionaries from their region
• Managing their region’s monthly support and cash budgets
• Interviewing and inviting new missionaries they select from their region to join CCC missions support family
• Helping to identify and schedule missionary guests from their region for our Sunday services
• Directing finances to help meet our missionaries’ financial needs
• Participating prayerfully and financially in strategic projects we become aware of through Assemblies of God Area Directors on the field
• Engaging in regular, strategic and intentional prayer for missionaries, countries, and unreached people groups
• Carrying out the responsibility of missionary care and encouragement for all CCC supported missionaries and their families on behalf of CCC.
• Helping to guide CCC’s future missions strategy and growth into their region
A Missionary Rep is a Regional Team member who has been connected with 1-4 CCC supported missionaries on the field and stays informed about their ministry by reading their newsletters and websites (when applicable), always looking for prayer requests and possible financial needs. Though team members are carefully trained that our workers on the field do not need “pen pals”, we let each missionary set the level of relationship they desire with their individual CCC Missionary Rep. Some of these relationships grow quite close over time. CCC Missionary Reps are the communication link between their CCC supported missionaries, their team, and CCC at large.
Some Regional Team members also function as “CCC Area Reps.” Each of these individuals are partnered with an Assemblies of God Area Director on the field. We currently have every AG Area Director covered. Our Area Reps function similar to our Missionary Reps, with the added element of discovering prayer and/or financial needs from the AG Area Directors within their respective areas (culturally connected clusters of countries) that otherwise we would have no way of knowing because CCC may NOT be currently supporting ANY worker there. This gives us unique opportunities to have a meaningful touch (financially and prayerfully) in these countries and areas, though our budget may not yet be able to support a missionary there monthly.
Each month, all the teams –and a few others from the congregation– gather together for an intercessory prayer meeting or “GPI” (Global Prayer Initiative). Through the use of over 100 4×6 flags, 8 15’x12’ vinyl floor maps, and a 65’x7’ “wall of the unreached”, we spend 75 minutes of focused intercession on behalf of our missionaries, the lost and the work of the Kingdom around the world.
Following the monthly Global Prayer meeting, each regional team simultaneously meets in separate rooms to carry out their “business” for the month, meet with guest missionaries, review their region’s budget and present their missionaries’ financial needs, discuss missionary updates, and more.
Some individuals serve on Regional Teams who are neither Missionary nor Area Reps. They may be serving in a specialty capacity such as targeted intercession or card ministry.
There are many additional support ministries within the Missions Department including: web and graphics design, clerical, photography and video, sound and technology, and Special Ops –individuals committed to setup and teardown for our monthly prayer meetings.